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What is Spravato?

Spravato is an intranasal form of medication. It is an FDA-approved medication used to treat depression and has been shown to quickly improve symptoms of depression, sometimes after the first 1 to 2 treatments. A standard treatment course is 2 times a week for 4 weeks, which is then reduced to once weekly for an additional 4 weeks. Depending on your response after the initial course, your treatment team may recommend the continuation of Spravato treatments beyond the first 8 weeks. Your treatments can be covered by insurance.

Spravato with Psychotherapy

Spravato can not only have a strong antidepressant effect, but is also an excellent tool in conjunction with psychotherapy. We highly encourage our patients who are receiving this treatment to work with a trusted therapist to reach the best results throughout their treatment. If you have an interest in integrating psychotherapy with Spravato, please ask us about this option.

How Do I Get Started With Spravato?

A provider from Michigan Advanced Psychiatry will sit down with you to discuss what you have been facing. We will review the other methods of treatment that you have tried, then determine if Spravato is a good option for you. If you have tried other methods of treatment for depression and have not found relief, this may be a great treatment option for you.

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Phone: (248) 885-8887

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